Saturday, December 22, 2007


Well, enough of anonymous posts, this one is......... For real. (cue phantom music)

So? How about Michelle? New topic for today. S..... Crap. Shell reads my blog. So? How about that.... ummmm. You know... Oh, does anyone celebrate Hannukkah aside from Kara? No? And how about Barmitsphas? My friend went to one. She said they eat alot of fig dishes. If anyone's been to one, spill the beans for the bulls at The Rodeo Inc. K? Hmmmm.... Oh! How about family secerets! Deep, dark ones. Hmmm... Oh, well Patrick doesn't wear underwear, and Vicky likes Patricks girlfriend, Britney..... Cranium, Britney Cranium. And Britney seceretly likes Michelle. She thinks crutches are very attractive. And, well, I share all my secerets. Oh! And Riley, my dog, is thinking of breaking up with my aunts dog, Honey. He'd rather date crackers and cheese. Something edible. Well, I don't know how Patchy's gonna take it, but he will. Later! The Rodeo is a go 'eo!'