Saturday, December 22, 2007

Minute Rice has Limelight!

OKAY, so I was on youtube, and I saw this video called CRAZED NUMA FAN!!!!!! I did a post on it. Brookers, the girl in the numa video, has become my 2nd favorite user on youtube. She's so retarted, it's really funny. WATCH IT, WATCH IT, WATCH IT!m It's like shes hopped up on goofballs!


Well, enough of anonymous posts, this one is......... For real. (cue phantom music)

So? How about Michelle? New topic for today. S..... Crap. Shell reads my blog. So? How about that.... ummmm. You know... Oh, does anyone celebrate Hannukkah aside from Kara? No? And how about Barmitsphas? My friend went to one. She said they eat alot of fig dishes. If anyone's been to one, spill the beans for the bulls at The Rodeo Inc. K? Hmmmm.... Oh! How about family secerets! Deep, dark ones. Hmmm... Oh, well Patrick doesn't wear underwear, and Vicky likes Patricks girlfriend, Britney..... Cranium, Britney Cranium. And Britney seceretly likes Michelle. She thinks crutches are very attractive. And, well, I share all my secerets. Oh! And Riley, my dog, is thinking of breaking up with my aunts dog, Honey. He'd rather date crackers and cheese. Something edible. Well, I don't know how Patchy's gonna take it, but he will. Later! The Rodeo is a go 'eo!'

The Future

Seriously, guys. What do you think the future will be? This topic came up after watching Meet the Robinsons and The Last Mimzi. Well? Is the future going to be highly advanced when food forms from a spray can, and people travel through tubes? Or do you think the world will be highly polluted from Global Warming, and become one giant wasteland? Or maybe chemicals will turn the Earth into a giany meteor, or comet? We don't really know. So, I have come up with a fun activity! It's a little quiz to determine what the future will be!

1. Do you hate Global Warming?
a) Yes
b) No
c) What's Global Warming?

2. What is a desert from your own point of view?
a) A hot place where there is very little water.
b) A hot place with poisinous animals and pointy plants.
c) A place where camels live.

3. What do you think of littering?
a) Polluting and a waste of good recycling material.
b) Illegal.
c) Throwing away hobo treasure.

4. What do you think of testing products on animals?
a) Horrible and dangerous to the animal.
b) Horrible, but since you're selling the product to humans, the animal takes the damage.
c) Depends on the product. Cosmetics are just insulting.

Mostly a's: You want the future of the earth to be succesful, and you REALLY want to stop Global Warming.

Mostly b's: Your interest for the success of the planet turns on and off. Kind of like half of the Earth abundant in green, and half destroyed and bland.

Mostly c's: You don't care about the future, you're just saying your an animal-hating snot faced poo smelling jerk.

Have fun?

Catchy Combination

My sister is getting obsessed with a new family show called Wizards of Waverly Place. It`s about a family who moves to New York to run a sub sandwich shop. But the 3 children of the family, Justin, Alex and Max, are wizards in training. This is a locker combination song, which is fun to say.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Kara Nut

OK, this video is the bomb. It`s like, Karas double, but crazy. And she`s a huge fan of the Numa Numa Aie song. Watch. I dedicate this song to Kara.

`The Kara`

The Kara.
Rarely seen in the wild.
The Kara.
Lives in a house of orange.
The Kara.
Orange rhymes with........ Ffffnorange.
The Kara.
I fell like Dr.Seus.
The Kara.
Lives in a house of orange in the Sahara.
The Kara........